Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I am sick! Not just a cold but something that could be serious. Going to a specialist on Thursday. I will keep you updated. I got my first run over 4 miles in a long time; 6 miler on Saturday. Took me about an hour. Then boyfriend and I took about a two hour hike on Sunday. I am trying to get him into running (he is a biker) but he has trouble with his back. He is trying hard to do it with me though. Even though I am sick, I am of high hopes that things are looking up! More soon....

" To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people you must be powerful. To attract committed people your must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract."

-Jim Rohn

Friday, May 14, 2010

RW Quote of the day

Thought this was a great quote to share:
To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.

Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have lost my "Muchness"

"I used to be much more . . . muchier! I have lost my muchness!" And need badly to get it back. The quote is paraphrased from the new version of Alice in Wonderland and ever since I saw it a couple months ago it has resonated in my head. In high school I had a totally different outlook. I was always happy and was nick named things like "Smiles a lot" and the "Smiling Miler" I would take thing like running a two miler as a 6'0 tall 225 pond basketball player with a smile on always. Even when being lapped twice at district track meet I would still walk away with a positive attitude. I got to run 2 miles that day while others looked on. I realized in college that I couldnt be happy all the time (it takes a lot of energy). But this realization came hard with bouts of depression and sickness that would do nothing to help me get everything I needed from my college experience.

Last year I trained with Team in Training to run the full Cleveland marathon. I started to get some of that happy attitude back. I would remind everyone at our long runs that we got to get out there and run 12, 15, 18 20 mile while others may not even be able to dream it or physically do it. I want to have this attitude fully with life. Get up every morning and remind myself that I get to live this day and that it would be foolish not to live it to the fullest.

Since I last blogged, I have lost 12 pounds and set a goal of losing 45 more. I have decided I want to be the athlete I have always been able to be. This in turn will help me become the person I know I should be. I promise you will be hearing alot more from me on this blog.
I have recently started training for a Triathlon and have some races and events I hope to knock out this summer. If you can help at all with my journey please do. If you know of anyone that wants to train a beginer Triathlete please let me know.
For now here are a couple of the events I would like to do this summer:
Tow Path Ten-Ten: 6-20-10 http://www.towpathmarathon.net/index.htm
Fairport Harbor Triathlon: 7-25-10 http://reservations.lakemetroparks.com/programs/index.shtml?id=11894
Cleveland Triathlon: 8-8-10 http://www.pacificsportsllc.com/
Akron Half Marathon: 9-25-10 http://www.akronmarathon.org/
Columbus Full Marathon: 10-17-10 http://www.columbusmarathon.com/

And other 5k races and such that I can find in the the summer. Please let me know what you may be doing this summer.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Something meaningful

I have been trying to sit down and write something provocative and meaningful. I read blogs everyday that inspire or make me laugh and there are 100s of people commenting on them. I want to do that. So I have turmoiled over great blog post to bring me back into writing again (something I love to do but don't do enough). I guess since I have a theater degree and have been trained to be other people it just comes natural. I need to starting being me. So from here on out that is what you are going to get on here. It may not always be pretty but hope it will be me; I can promise you that. Instead of writing a two hour long entry I will be catching you up over my last year throughout the next few weeks. I hope to be one of those bloggers who inspire and make people laugh but it will be a new learning process. For now it is off to cook dinner for the boyfriend and I.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I turned a quarter of a century today and hoping for 3 more!!! I consider this my new year and so this is when I make my resolutions. I will write more tomorrow but for now boyfriend is really sick and I warming him some soup while making a pizza for myself.

Workout today:
Miles: 3.4
Min: 30
Loc: Life Time Fitness Treadmill